Visiting Artist Lecture: MarkĂ©ta Magidová, Children’s Imagination

PCU, Bishop's Court Studios Biskupsky dvĹŻr 1147/6, Prague, Czech Republic

MarkĂ©ta Magidová is a Czech visual artist and a director. In her intermedia and feminist-oriented practice she seeks fragments, traces and catalysts of imagination across diverse minds, cultures and times. Images come to human minds in different ways. Through historical and visual representations they capture social stereotypes, expectations and codes as a cultural footprint. In […]

Visiting Artist Lecture Series: Julie Dítětová, AI-Generated Patterns

PCU, Bishop's Court Studios Biskupsky dvĹŻr 1147/6, Prague, Czech Republic

Machine learning: Programming Patterns PCU students, lecturers and the general public are invited to attend a VALS lecture by Julie DĂ­tÄ›tová, a graphic designer, nominated for the Czech Grand Design awards for her current project Machine learning: Programming Patterns. Programming Patterns is an experiment that uses the StyleGAN 2 neural network to generate visual data […]

Master Speaker Series: Hana Lešenarová, Meeting the Real Victims of Corruption and Bribery

PCU, City Centre Campus Hybernská 1009/24, Prague, Czech Republic

Hana’s lecture will be a not-to-be-missed opportunity to learn first-hand about financial crimes explaining to students the social impact of corruption and bribery through relevant cases.
The problem of corruption is not only at the country level where it can be faced globally, but also at the individual level where single actions can play a role to prevent and counter corruption to develop higher resilience and foster integrity at all levels of society.

Graphic Events: Wandering Encounters

PCU, Bishop's Court Studios Biskupsky dvĹŻr 1147/6, Prague, Czech Republic

In February 2023, James Dyer spoke at PCU as part of the Visiting Artists Lecture Series (VALS). Dyer’s lecture was followed by a workshop. Students were instructed to photograph everyday graphic events in Prague. Exhibited here are their wandering encounters.

Visiting Artist & Lecture Series – Plato Ostrava

Plato Ostrava Porážková 26, Ostrava, Czech Republic

For a first VALS of this semester, students of MA Future Design and MA Fine Art will travel to Ostrava, to visit City Gallery of Contemporary Art PLATO.

Visting Artist & Lecture Series – Lucia Scernaková

PCU, Bishop's Court Studios Biskupsky dvĹŻr 1147/6, Prague, Czech Republic

Lucia Sceranková graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. The lecture will present her recent projects and her film Waves. She has been nominated for several major awards for young artists - in addition to the Start Point Prize 2011, she was also nominated for […]

Media Innovation & Technology Series: Alexandru Ureche

PCU, City Centre Campus Hybernská 1009/24, Prague, Czech Republic

First Media Innovation & Technology Series delivered by Alexandru Ureche on Support/Maintenance setup - Application support - Command and Control center.