School of Business: Alumni Talks

Join our School of Business’s Alumni, KateĹ™ina Lagátová and Charlie Pimenta, for their talks about their studies and their professional achievements.

Meet Your Lecturers and Their Work Journey

Meet your lecturers from School of Business and explore their journey throughout their career life.

Future Career Planning and Career Crisis

In this lecture, we will explore the concept of career strategy and its linkage to life strategy, focusing on how to build a sustainable career. We will delve into the […]

Discovering IKIGAI

Ikigai is about discovering what makes your life meaningful and brings you joy. It’s like a personal compass that points towards what you love, what you’re good at, what the […]

Interview Skills

Take this opportunity to polish your CV and practice your interview skills, so that you are ready to meet and impress the company representatives at the upcoming Career Fair in […]