Virtual Open Day

Join our Admissions team on Zoom and hear about all the exciting aspects of Prague City University that you can experience as a student.

Mexican Prague Iberoamerican Film Festival (MPIFF)

Instituto Cervantes Na Rybnicku 536, Prague, Czech Republic

Prague City University is a proud sponsor of the Mexican Prague Iberoamerican Film Festival. This three day event will be recorded by students from our Creative Media Production programme and programme leader Masa Hilisin will present an educational lecture on the interwoven dynamics of ethics, human rights and documentary film making.

Open Evening at PCU

PCU, Polská Campus Polska 10, Prague 2

We are opening our PCU Polska Campus up to you! Come along and see how our University is running in the first few weeks of the semester and meet with our Admissions team. Get to hear about all the Programmes that we offer in February and September. Registration is required on our Open Day event […]