Visiting Artist Lecture: Štěpán Kleník & Robin Pultera: Horizons of Immersive Experience

The last VALS lecture for 2019 will introduce you to the world of immersive technologies. What are they, what do they do and when are they most often applied in today's market? And are they really the future anyway? This immersive overview will be delivered by the two founding partners of one of Prague's leading creative studios dedicated to augmented and virtual reality.

Visiting Artist Lecture: Jan Mocek – Life and Times

Theatre maker and visual artist Jan Mocek will offer an insider's look at the methods used for devising and developing a contemporary theatre piece. Not only will he speak about his artistic practice, but he also focus at the institutional background of the Prague’s independent scene.  

Visiting Artist Lecture: Dita Maleckova ‘Digital Philosopher’

The next VALs digital lecture will feature Dita Malečková, a philosopher, new media theorist and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enthusiast. Dita will be presenting some of her projects that utilise AI machine learning, interestingly combined with philosophical ideas that present from using a contentious technology. By utilising AI technology as an artistic tool, Dita questions how these technologies will shape our future and if they will contribute to the advancement of our evolution.

Visiting Artist Lecture: Victoria Vesna, Alien Star Dust: Signal to Noise

The final VALS lecture for 2020 heads to the stars with Victoria Vesna, a renowned Artist and Professor at the UCLA Department of Design Media Arts and Director of the Art|Sci Center at the School of the Arts and California NanoSystems Institute. The lecture is highly relevant to IT students as well as Art, as Victoria combines art and science to investigate how communication technologies affect collective behaviour and perceptions of identity, in relation to scientific innovation.

Master Speaker Series: Željko Ivanković, The Cryptocurrency Challenge!

The School of Business is hosting a Master Speaker Series Lecture featuring Željko Ivanković, a political philosopher-economist and former editor in chief of Banka, a leading Croatian financial magazine and author who has written on the political economy of the digital age.

Media Innovation Technology Series: Karina Holden; Exploring the Ecosystem of an Idea

The first MITS lecture for 2021 features Karina Holden, an internationally-awarded film maker and television producer who has produced, created and directed content for major television networks for over twenty years. This is open to the general public and the main topic for discussion is how to hit on an idea that will resonate with an audience and how to turn that idea into an impactful story for different audiences and platforms.