We are running a visa seminar for international students. This seminar is relevant for students who already have a valid long-term visa or long-term residency and are planning to extend it for another year.
We highly recommend this seminar to students whose visas are due to expire in Winter 2023!
A typical agenda is:
- The current state of things: an update regarding the amount of required funds, health insurance requirements, requirements for the adaptation course, etc.
- The difference between a long-term visa and long-term residency
- The application process for long-term residency
- Extension process for a long-term residency
- The timeframe for applications
- Communication with the MV ČR (Ministry of Interior)
The webinar is on Friday, November 4th at 4 pm over Zoom.
Register at student.services@praguecityuniversity.cz to receive the zoom link.