We are delighted to welcome Hana Lešenarová as our guest speaker for the School of Business Master Speaker Series.
A former Prague-based journalist, Hana has devoted her professional career to researching and investigating oligarchs and large businesses and assessing their exposure to financial crime and reputational risk. She worked in private intelligence consultancy Control Risks in London for 10 years and in 2016 joined a specialized internal intelligence team in Deutsche Bank in Berlin.
Hana’s lecture will be a not-to-be-missed opportunity to learn first-hand about financial crimes explaining to students the social impact of corruption and bribery through relevant cases.
The problem of corruption is not only at the country level where it can be faced globally, but also at the individual level where single actions can play a role to prevent and counter corruption to develop higher resilience and foster integrity at all levels of society.
Master Speaker Series with Hana Lešenarová will take place at City Centre Campus, room 103, at 18.00.